Babel 6 react JSX transformer


I'm using babel 6 for react JSX transforms. However I'm not using the react preset, I am ONLY using the 'transform-react-jsx' plugin (and trying strict-mode disable option), here is my .babelrc

  "plugins": [
  "sourceMaps": true,
  "strictMode": false

However I have required a thirdparty javascript that uses 'with' (out of my control) which emits following error: [SyntaxError: foo.js: 'with' in strict mode .. ]

So I need to disable strict mode, This is same problem as this issue however I am NOT using es6/es2015 stuff, only jsx transforms.

With babel 6 there is no blacklist and I've only specified ONE plugin, so I'm suspect there is no way to disable.

According to this line, the strictMode option is indeed parsed.

I don't understand the syntax you used for your .babelrc, though. Why an array?

Try this:

  "plugins": [
  "sourceMaps": true,
  "strictMode": false

transform-strict-mode is used only to include the strict mode not to disable it. So setting it to false ["transform-strict-mode", {"strict": false}] will change nothing, in your case better remove this plug-in then including it. But if somewhere else you are using a plugin or preset that includes the strict mode, try maybe to use es2015-loose :

  • install

    npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015-loose babel-preset-es2015

  • config

    {"presets": ["es2015-loose"]}

  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: 用tsify和babelify使用gulp不会运行babel

    下一篇: Babel 6反应JSX变压器