modules with browserify and babelify?

I'm using gulp, browserify and babelify in order to use ES6 syntax in my project. As soon as I import a node_module, which was also written in ES6, gulp throws an error: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'

I've read the proposed solutions on babelify's github page. In short, the two possibilities are:

  • Add a browserify option to the affected node_module's package.json
  • Configure gulp, so that browserify tries to transform all files with babelify (and add an ignore-option for unnecessary files).
  • The first option would prevent others from being able to clone my project and get it up and running right away. Is there a workaround, perhaps using an npm postinstall script?

    The second option seems like an overkill. Is there a more elegant solution for this?

    Babelify has an only option that can be used to avoid transpiling files that don't match a regular expression. When combined with Browserify's global option (by default, transforms are not applied to files within the node_modules directory), you can selectively transpile files within node_modules .

    With this example configuration:

    browserify({ entries: ["index.js"] })
      .transform("babelify", {
        global: true,
        only: /^(?:.*/node_modules/(?:a|b)/|(?!.*/node_modules/)).*$/,
        presets: ["es2015"]

    files not within node_modules will not be compiled unless they are in one of:

  • /node_modules/a
  • /node_modules/b
  • If you have only one directory under node_modules that you want transpiled, you can simplify the regular expression to:


    and if you have more, you can add them:


    上一篇: 本地无法导入反应

    下一篇: 具有browserify和babelify的模块?