
我正在处理不同数据类型的numpy数组。 我想知道,在任何特定的数组中,哪些元素是NaN。 通常,这是np.isnan的用途。

但是, np.isnan对数组类型object (或任何字符串数据类型)不友好:

>>> str_arr = np.array(["A", "B", "C"])
>>> np.isnan(str_arr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Not implemented for this type

>>> obj_arr = np.array([1, 2, "A"], dtype=object)
>>> np.isnan(obj_arr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

我想从这两个调用中解脱出来的只是np.array([False, False, False]) 。 我不能只tryexcept TypeError我对np.isnan调用,并假设任何生成TypeError数组都不包含NaN:毕竟,我想要np.isnan(np.array([1, np.NaN, "A"]))返回np.array([False, True, False])

我目前的解决方案是创建一个np.float64类型的新数组,循环遍历原始数组的元素, try将该元素放入新数组(如果失败,则将其保留为零),然后调用np.isnan在新阵列上。 但是,这当然相当缓慢。 (至少,对于大型对象数组。)

def isnan(arr):
    if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray) and (arr.dtype == object):
        # Create a new array of dtype float64, fill it with the same values as the input array (where possible), and
        # then call np.isnan on the new array. This way, np.isnan is only called once. (Much faster than calling it on
        # every element in the input array.)
        new_arr = np.zeros((len(arr),), dtype=np.float64)
        for idx in xrange(len(arr)):
                new_arr[idx] = arr[idx]
            except Exception:
        return np.isnan(new_arr)
            return np.isnan(arr)
        except TypeError:
            return False



编辑:我正在运行Python 2.7.10。

请注意, [x is np.nan for x in np.array([np.nan])]返回Falsenp.nan并非总是与内存中的np.nan不同。

我不希望字符串"nan"被认为等同于np.nan :我想要isnan(np.array(["nan"], dtype=object))返回np.array([False])

多维度不是一个大问题。 (这是什么,有点ravel -和- reshape ING不会解决:P)

任何依赖于is运算符来测试两个NaN的等价性的函数并不总是行得通。 (如果你认为他们应该,问问你自己究竟is什么人!)

在这种情况下,您可以使用list comp来获取任何nan的索引:

obj_arr = np.array([1, 2, np.nan, "A"], dtype=object)

inds = [i for i,n in enumerate(obj_arr) if str(n) == "nan"]


mask = [True if str(n) == "nan" else False for n in obj_arr]

使用is np.nan也似乎工作,无需施放str:

In [29]: obj_arr = np.array([1, 2, np.nan, "A"], dtype=object)

In [30]: [x is np.nan for x in obj_arr]
Out[30]: [False, False, True, False]


def masks(a):
    if len(a.shape) > 1:
        return [[x is np.nan for x in sub] for sub in a]
    return [x is np.nan for x in a]


def masks(a):
    if len(a.shape) > 1:
        return [[isinstance(x, float) and np.isnan(x) for x in sub] for sub in arr]
    return [isinstance(x, float) and np.isnan(x)  for x in arr]

有趣的x is np.nan ,当数据类型是对象时, x is np.nan似乎工作正常:

In [76]: arr = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,"3"],dtype=object)

In [77]: [x is np.nan  for x in arr]
Out[77]: [True, True, False]

In [78]: arr = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,"3"])

In [79]: [x is np.nan  for x in arr]
Out[79]: [False, False, False]


In [90]: arr = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,"3"])

In [91]: arr.dtype
Out[91]: dtype('S32')

In [92]: arr
array(['nan', 'nan', '3'], 

In [93]: [x == "nan"  for x in arr]
Out[93]: [True, True, False]

In [94]: arr = np.array([np.nan,np.nan,"3"],dtype=object)

In [95]: arr.dtype
Out[95]: dtype('O')

In [96]: arr
Out[96]: array([nan, nan, '3'], dtype=object)

In [97]: [x == "nan"  for x in arr]
Out[97]: [False, False, False]

很显然,当你在数组中有字符串时,nan会被强制转换为numpy.string_'s ,所以x == "nan"在这种情况下起作用,当你传递对象时,类型是float,所以如果你总是使用对象dtype,那么行为应该是一致的。


In [21]: x=np.array([1,23.3, np.nan, 'str'],dtype=object)
In [22]: xb=np.tile(x,300)


In [23]: isnan(x)
Out[23]: array([False, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)


In [24]: np.array([i is np.nan for i in x])
Out[24]: array([False, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)

np.frompyfuncnp.frompyfunc具有相似的矢量化能力,但由于某种原因,它的利用率np.vectorize (而且根据我的经验,速度更快)

In [25]: def myisnan(x):
        return x is np.nan
In [26]: visnan=np.frompyfunc(myisnan,1,1)

In [27]: visnan(x)
Out[27]: array([False, False, True, False], dtype=object)


In [28]: visnan(x).astype(bool)
Out[28]: array([False, False,  True, False], dtype=bool)


In [29]: visnan(x.reshape(2,2)).astype(bool)
array([[False, False],
       [ True, False]], dtype=bool)


In [30]: timeit isnan(xb)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.03 ms per loop

In [31]: timeit np.array([i is np.nan for i in xb])
1000 loops, best of 3: 393 us per loop

In [32]: timeit visnan(xb).astype(bool)
1000 loops, best of 3: 382 us per loop

i is np.nan重要的一点i is np.nan测试 - 它只适用于标量。 如果数组是dtype对象,那么迭代产生标量。 但是对于numpy.float64 float数组,我们得到了numpy.float64值。 对于那些np.isnan(i)是正确的测试。

In [61]: [(i is np.nan) for i in np.array([np.nan,np.nan,1.3])]
Out[61]: [False, False, False]

In [62]: [np.isnan(i) for i in np.array([np.nan,np.nan,1.3])]
Out[62]: [True, True, False]

In [63]: [(i is np.nan) for i in np.array([np.nan,np.nan,1.3], dtype=object)]
Out[63]: [True, True, False]

In [64]: [np.isnan(i) for i in np.array([np.nan,np.nan,1.3],  dtype=object)]
TypeError: Not implemented for this type

我会使用np.vectorize和一个测试nan元素的自定义函数。 所以,

def _isnan(x):
    if isinstance(x, type(np.nan)):
        return np.isnan(x)
        return False

my_isnan = np.vectorize(_isnan)


X = np.array([[1, 2, np.nan, "A"], [np.nan, True, [], ""]], dtype=object)


 array([[False, False,  True, False],
        [ True, False, False, False]], dtype=bool)
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/33009.html

上一篇: np.isnan on arrays of dtype "object"

下一篇: Spring Boot @Scheduled cron