can i send sms to the user on my database using laravel and nexmo

I want to make sure before making payment on Nexmo if it possible to send SMS to my users on my database using laravel and Nexmo. Because i try doing that and what i got is a Non White-listed Destination - rejected error. or do i have to add all my phone numbers to nexmo database before i can use them or it is because am using the trial version. code for sending message that gives the Non white-listed Error

$nexmo = app('NexmoClient');
        'to' => Auth::user()->phone,
        'from' => config('', 'Laravel'),
        'text' => 'Text message Sent From '.config('', 'Laravel').' To confrim that this is your Phone Number.'

When initially subscribing to Nexmo, you are able to use it on up to 10 destination numbers in a demo mode until you top up your acount. To send messages to these phone numbers, you need to add them in


上一篇: 如何使用nexmo将短信发送给laravel中的多个用户

下一篇: 我可以使用laravel和nexmo在我的数据库上向用户发送短信