How can I get Id of inserted entity in Entity framework when using defaultValue?

Is there a way to send a property with defaultValue but update it with the database computed result? There's a trigger in database, that for input -1 triggers a procedure which computes a new value. How to get the value back?

<Property Name="ID" Type="int" Nullable="false" StoreGeneratedPattern="None" DefaultValue="-1" />

var x = new Stuff();
return x.ID //gives -1, but the computed value should be different.

You need to reload the entity after savechanges.Because it has been altered by a database trigger which cannot be tracked by EF. SO we need to reload the entity again from the DB,

var x = new Stuff();

return x.ID;

I had the same problem, that my key would not update after calling SaveChanges and it would only return null for context.Entry(newObj).GetDatabaseValues() .

In my case, setting StoreGeneratedPattern to Identity (on the key) in the EntityFramework model caused the key to update after calling SaveChanges .

   using (var context = new MyContext())

       int id  = newObject.Id; // Will give u the autoincremented ID

上一篇: 如何在Entity框架中获取没有saveChanges的插入实体的Id?

下一篇: 如何在使用defaultValue时在Entity框架中获取插入实体的Id?