ggplot python handling time data over many weeks at hourly resolution

I am plotting journey time for a series of roads at hourly resolution, with data over a few weeks.

I can plot using unix time, but that isn't very intuitive. This is 7 days worth of data.


I used a function to manipulate the time field in order to give the date and hour:

def plot_time(time):
    return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H')

However, this results in ggplot throwing a value error when trying to plot:

ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 2016-04-13-00

Is there a simpler means of displaying date and some hour?

Alternatively I could plot unix time with a date scale on the axis but it would be nice to have some hour resolution on the axis.

POSIXct was the key here as bVa said.


Once the epoch time was formated POSIXct, it was possible to use scale_x_datetime()

I settled on:

+ scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 day"))



上一篇: Django Social Auth和非活动用户

下一篇: ggplot python以小时分辨率处理数周的时间数据