How to get an absolute file path in Python

Given a path such as "mydir/myfile.txt" , how do I find the absolute filepath relative to the current working directory in Python? Eg on Windows, I might end up with:


>>> import os
>>> os.path.abspath("mydir/myfile.txt")


>>> import os
>>> os.path.abspath("C:/example/cwd/mydir/myfile.txt")

>>> import os
>>> os.path.abspath('mydir/myfile.txt')

You could use the new Python 3.4 library pathlib . (You can also get it for Python 2.6 or 2.7 using pip install pathlib .) The authors wrote: "The aim of this library is to provide a simple hierarchy of classes to handle filesystem paths and the common operations users do over them."

To get an absolute path in Windows:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p = Path("pythonw.exe").resolve()
>>> p
>>> str(p)

Or on UNIX:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p = Path("python3.4").resolve()
>>> p
>>> str(p)

Docs are here:


上一篇: python能检测到它运行的是哪个操作系统?

下一篇: 如何在Python中获取绝对文件路径