SDL audio streaming callback function never triggered

I'm attempting to stream audio for my C++ application which uses SDL through the mingw32 environment. From my understanding it's a fairly simple affair:

extern "C" void audioStep(void* unused, Uint8* stream, int len);

void initAudio()
    SDL_AudioSpec* fmt;
    fmt = (SDL_AudioSpec*)malloc(sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
    fmt->freq = 22050;
    fmt->format = AUDIO_S16;
    fmt->channels = 1;
    fmt->samples = 8192;
    fmt->callback = audioStep;
    fmt->userdata = NULL;
    SDL_AudioSpec obFmt;

    if (SDL_OpenAudio(fmt, &obFmt) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open audio: %sn", SDL_GetError());



extern "C" void audioStep(void* unused, Uint8* stream, int len)
    // Do stuff.

The issue I'm experiencing is that audioStep never seems to be called. Before initAudio is run SDL_Init is called with SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING . Then graphics are fully initialized ( SDL_SetVideoMode and such) and then the audio system is initialized with the code above.

Is it possible somehow I compiled SDL without audio support? (Is there a way to check if audio is enabled or if it's using some sort of null audio device?)

I have working code in SDL.NET, so maybe this will help. I found that I had to have a Video window opened:

  SdlDotNet.Graphics.Video.SetVideoMode(1, 1);
  // BUG: close (or hide) it

Otherwise, it would not initialize correctly.

Why @audioStep@ should be called if you never Play a Sound? There's nothing to do.

Using SDL Sound


上一篇: 播放流后,音频队列无法录制音频

下一篇: SDL音频流回调功能从未触发