How to avoid brackets in SQL around Django custom database function call?

A short intoduction to the problem...

  • PostgreSQL has very neat array fields (int array, string array) and functions for them like UNNEST and ANY .
  • These fields are supported by Django (I am using djorm_pgarray for that), but functions are not natively supported.
  • One could use .extra() , but Django 1.8 introduced a new concept of database functions.
  • Let me provide a most primitive example of what I am basicly doing with all these. A Dealer has a list of makes that it supports. A Vehicle has a make and is linked to a dealer. But it happens that Vehicle 's make does not match Dealer 's make list, that is inevitable.

    MAKE_CHOICES = [('honda', 'Honda'), ...]
    class Dealer(models.Model):
        make_list = TextArrayField(choices=MAKE_CHOICES)
    class Vehicle(models.Model):
        dealer = models.ForeignKey(Dealer, null=True, blank=True)
        make   = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=MAKE_CHOICES, blank=True)

    Having a database of dealers and makes, I want to count all vehicles for which the vehicle's make and its dealer's make list do match. That's how I do it avoiding .extra() .

    from django.db.models import functions
    class SelectUnnest(functions.Func):
        function = 'SELECT UNNEST'

    Resulting SQL:

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "myapp_vehicle" 
    INNER JOIN "myapp_dealer" 
      ON ( "myapp_vehicle"."dealer_id" = "myapp_dealer"."id" ) 
    WHERE "myapp_vehicle"."make" 
      IN (SELECT UNNEST("myapp_dealer"."make_list"))

    And it works, and much faster than a traditional M2M approach we could use in Django. BUT, for this task, UNNEST is not a very good solution: ANY is much faster. Let's try it.

    class Any(functions.Func):
        function = 'ANY'

    It generates the following SQL:

     SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "myapp_vehicle" 
     INNER JOIN "myapp_dealer" 
       ON ( "myapp_vehicle"."dealer_id" = "myapp_dealer"."id" )
     WHERE "myapp_vehicle"."make" = 

    And it fails, because braces around ANY are bogus. If you remove them, it runs in the psql console with no problems, and fast.

    So my question.

  • Is there any way to remove these braces? I could not find anything about that in Django documentation.
  • If not, - maybe there are other ways to rephrase this query?
  • PS I think that an extensive library of database functions for different backends would be very helpful for database-heavy Django apps.

    Of course, most of these will not be portable. But you typically do not often migrate such a project from one database backend to another. In our example, using array fields and PostGIS we are stuck to PostgreSQL and do not intend to move.

    Is anybody developing such a thing?

    PPS One might say that, in this case, we should be using a separate table for makes and intarray instead of string array, that is correct and will be done, but nature of problem does not change.


  • TextArrayField is defined at djorm_pgarray. At the linked source file, you can see how it works.
  • The value is list of text strings. In Python, it is represented as a list. Example: ['honda', 'mazda', 'anything else'] .
  • Here is what is said about it in the database.

    =# select id, make from appname_tablename limit 3;
    id | make
    58 | {vw}
    76 | {lexus,scion,toyota}
    39 | {chevrolet}

    And underlying PostgreSQL field type is text[] .

    I've managed to get (more or less) what you need using following:

    from django.db.models.lookups import BuiltinLookup
    from django.db.models.fields import Field
    class Any(BuiltinLookup):
        lookup_name = 'any'
        def get_rhs_op(self, connection, rhs):
           return " = ANY(%s)" % (rhs,)

    and query:


    as result:

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "zz_vehicle"
      INNER JOIN "zz_dealer" ON ("zz_vehicle"."dealer_id" = "zz_dealer"."id")
        WHERE "zz_vehicle"."make"  = ANY(("zz_dealer"."make_list"))

    btw. instead djorm_pgarray and TextArrayField you can use native django:

    make_list = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=200), blank=True)

    (to simplify your dependencies)


    上一篇: 如何使色条指向3D中的标记

    下一篇: 如何避免在Django自定义数据库函数调用周围的SQL中括号?