“EMALFORMED Failed to read bower.json” "unexpected token /"

i rather new to mean stack and i'm trying to pull some components using bower.

I have my .bowerrc file which gives the path for installation.

    "directory": "public/libs"

and i have my bower.json file which looks like this:

// bower.json
    "name": "starter-node-angular",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
        "bootstrap": "latest",
        "font-awesome": "latest",
        "animate.css": "latest",
        "angular": "latest",
        "angular-route": "latest"   

When i installed bower i had no problem and even the bower search is working perfect. when I'm running the command:

bower install

i get the following message:

Failed to read + pathbower.json

Unexpected token /

i get the same message when I'm trying:

bower install jquery

I tried to change the encoding of file and used json online validation tool.

any ideas??

Another solution is to open the file in Notepad++, go to "Encoding" and select convert to ANSI.

Best of luck

After creating the .bowerrc file:

  • Open the file in Visual Studio
  • Click on "Save file as" under File menu
  • Click on the down arrow sign on the right side of Save button
  • Select "Save with Encoding"
  • Agree to replace the file
  • Change the Encoding type to "Western European (Windows) - Codepage 1252" and leave the Line endings to "Current Settings"
  • Hit Save button

  • I had this issue due to Visual Studio adding a BOM to the start of the file. Opening it in Notepad++, going to Encoding and selecting "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM" solved the problem - the advantage of this approach over converting the file to ANSI is that you can still use Unicode characters in the Bower.json file.

    Obviously you can also do this in any other text editor that supports the stripping of BOM's from a file encoded in UTF-8.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/3396.html

    上一篇: 如何用c解析json文件

    下一篇: “EMALFORMED无法阅读bower.json”“意外标记/”