Rabbit MQ usage

This may be a very basic question. But I am bit confused.

I know RabbitMQ is a AMQP broker (meaning RabbitMQ implements / uses AMQP ). I used client libraries (jars) provided by RabbitMQ. Does it mean I used AMQP protocol which is used "internally" by RabbitMQ client APIs / libraries to connect to the RabbitMQ broker? Anything else I need to know about using AMQP ?

Or is there a different route I need to follow to use AMQP ? How is a developer concerned about using AMQP other than just using the APIs of the any Message Broker like RabbitMQ, Apache QPid, etc?

I used client libraries (jars) provided by RabbitMQ. Does it mean I used AMQP protocol which is used "internally" by RabbitMQ client APIs / libraries to connect to the RabbitMQ broker?

Yes you have used AMQP protocol (probably); RabbitMQ isn't using internally AMQP. It uses AMQP to send messages from your application to RabbitMQ and from RabbitMQ to (your) other application; or viceversa.

Or is there a different route I need to follow to use AMQP?

Besides using the API you can use as an extension of Apache Camel or Spring Integration for example; it is more neat and you can use it in more parts of your application. Actually it doesn't matter how you using so long you respect the protocol.

How is a developer concerned about using AMQP other than just using the APIs of the any Message Broker like RabbitMQ, Apache QPid, etc?

AMQP is a protocol, just like HTTP; besides the API it defines the message format and has features as routing or queuing being served by the protocol rather by the application implementing the API.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/34118.html

上一篇: openwire vs amqp,哪个性能更好

下一篇: Rabbit MQ用法