Async / Enterprise Messaging for PHP Apps
What messaging platform would be the best choice for asynchronous message queuing (publish, consume) between PHP and Java apps? I have looked at RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, OpenAMQ, Tibco Rendezvous, and Websphere MQ. Persistence is required. I love the idea of AMQP and using an open protocol, but I've heard of stability issues with RabbitMQ, which seems to be the leading AMQP implementation.
Messaging load will not be quite to "Twitter-style" scale, but will be fairly high volume and require very high availability.
An officially supported PHP API would definitely get points. Both Java and PHP systems will be actively producing and consuming.
ActiveMQ, in my experience, is very problematic. Lost messages and unexplained outages have left me wondering why people use it.
I've used rabbitMQ in the past and have deployed it into a large production infrastructure and it works great. The implementation was Java based - but with a stomp adapter it should be possible.
In terms of scalability, rabbitMQ was great and easy to configure and get running.
for what is worth, officially supported PHP Stomp client based on will be released soon (next week hopefully).
Will post it here when it's out.
Cheers Dejan
Second Life devs have been analyzing a lot of different messaging solutions. It's point of view is Python and C++ but many solutions works for PHP too. Good read.
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