Parallel consumption of messages on different queues +rabbitmq+nodejs
It looks like the only library that's there for writing nodejs apps over rabbitmq is the
I have a producer which is posting messages to multiple queues at a very fast rate, and in the consumer I'm creating subscriptions for each queue.
connection.on('ready', function () {
for(var i=0;i<queues.length;i++)
connection.queue(queues[i],{autoDelete:false}, qOnReady);
function qOnReady(q){
// Catch all messages
logger("Q "" is ready");
// Receive messages
But when I run the consumer all the messages that are consumed are from a particular queue and till the queue is exhausted , the subscription doesn't start on the other queue.How do I achieve consume messages in parallel.
You might want to use Async Library to achieve parallel execution of your queues.
Though not sure if it fits your needs.