Web Speech API vs Google Speech API
I've been using MDN Speech APIs (using things like window.speechSynthesis
and new SpeechSynthesisUtterance
). Firstly, I thought this API was the same as Google's Speech API, but I guess it is not?
Secondly, it's been working great, but there are some challenges I've been facing:
Firstly, I'm curious if Google's Speech API solves these issues. Whas your experience been with Google's Speech API?
Does the API work across any device? I want to build a game in Unity with Speech. Can I use it within Unity so long as I'm querying the API?
Is it better at recognizing contexts?
si yo hablo espanol
-> Does not capture si
me llamo Dan
-> does not capture proper noun Dan
Does it have less robotic voices?
Thank you!
Note : I am familiar with the use cases for both APIs, I'm looking more for the performance in each of the areas listed above.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/34358.html上一篇: 使用Sphinx4的听写应用程序
下一篇: 网络语音API与谷歌语音API