AutoSizing Flex Mobile spark textarea component

I want to make my mobile spark textarea component to wrap all content. I found out mx_internal way of doing this but I'm not able to call mx_internal::getTextField().numLines method - there's no such... Anybody who has done this before?


for(var i:int=0; i < StyleableTextField(txt_genel.textDisplay).numLines; i++) {
        ta_height += StyleableTextField(txt_genel.textDisplay).getLineMetrics(i).height;
txt_genel.height = ta_height;

Here a solution with little custom TextArea class, there's comments to explain a little more.


import spark.components.TextArea;
import spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText;

public class CustomTextArea extends TextArea

    private var _lineNumber:int = 1;
    private var _padding:int;
    private var _minHeight:int;

    public function CustomTextArea()

        addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, function setBehaviour(event:FlexEvent):void
            //minHeight to prevent textarea to be too small
            _minHeight = height;
            //padding between textarea and text component inside to calculate line number
            _padding = ((textDisplay as StyleableStageText).x - x) + (width - (textDisplay as StyleableStageText).width);
            //listener for text changing
            addEventListener(TextOperationEvent.CHANGE, setHeight);

    private function setHeight(event:TextOperationEvent):void
        //line number is textwidth divided by component width
        _lineNumber = (((textDisplay as StyleableStageText).measureText(text).width + _lineNumber * _padding) / width) + 1;
        //text height is line number * text height
        var newHeight:int = _lineNumber * (textDisplay as StyleableStageText).measureText(text).height;
        //if new height > min height, set height
        if (newHeight > _minHeight)
            height = newHeight;

Hope this will help.

EDIT : With a big number of lines, the TextArea's height is rising too much. Should be manage.


上一篇: Flex Mobile s:列表项单击标注

下一篇: AutoSizing Flex Mobile spark textarea组件