Anaconda ipython qtconsole launcher

I am using Kubuntu 16.04 with kde 5.6.4. I have installed anaconda python 3.5 which includes ipython qtconsole .

To launch ipython qtconsole, I have to type ipython qtconsole in terminal. Is there anyway I can create a launcher for it?

I know there a package, but it doesn't link to the anaconda python 3.5 and I don't want another separate python 3.5.

abhishek ~ $ apt-cache search ipython3-qtconsole
ipython3 - enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
ipython3-qtconsole - enhanced interactive Python 3 shell - Qt console

Try creating a Desktop file, with an absolute path to the required ipython , such as:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/anaconda/bin/ipython qtconsole %u
Name=Jupyter Console
GenericName=Qt Application
Comment=Run a new IPython QT Console
# MimeType=application/x-your-mime-type;
# Icon=some-icon
# X-DocPath=yourapp/index.html
# Terminal=false

Save this text file in ~/.local/share/applications/ipython_qtconsole.desktop , and then drag the .desktop file into your launcher.

I am only guessing the location of your ipython is /anaconda/bin/ipython ; to determine the correct path, run which ipython in terminal.


上一篇: C ++ 17 make

下一篇: Anaconda ipython qtconsole启动器