Android: WebView with Custom font

I want to know is it possible to make a webview to load foreign language/font web site. Let's say i want to load a URL which contains non-standard unicode font (they have their own font. I can download the font and use it.)

Right now, I know we can do this if both "html" and "font" file are located in the same folder under "Asset". Yes, this display the character correctly. I refer from this link >> How to change font face of Webview in Android?

However, if I navigate to real web site URL from my asset folder html file, it will not render the font correctly.

Is there any way to achieve it? By injecting some html tags or totally can't achieve it????

I also try google but all I get is above example with local HTML file with font. Any suggestions or reference links are appreciated.



上一篇: 绕过WebView跨域安全性

下一篇: Android:带自定义字体的WebView