Where to see font files loaded by chrome in the inspector?

What tab in chrome inspector shows the font files you're loading via font-face? I can't find it under resources. I'm having an issue where one group of font-family files are loading, but another font-family is not. I have checked everything from going directly to the URL and seeing they are indeed present, but I would like to look in the inspector and see it loading the one font-family but not the other. Is this possible with chrome?

You can view the downloaded web fonts using the Network tab:

Google Chrome网络标签显示下载的网络字体

You can also select any text node in the elements panel, then look at the bottom of the computed styles tab to see what fonts are rendered for that element

显示计算渲染字体的Google Chrome样式选项卡

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/34818.html

上一篇: 如何在Firefox中加载字体加载跨域

下一篇: 检查员在哪里可以看到由chrome加载的字体文件?