Creating the underscore reduce function from scratch

I am working on creating my own callback functions and higher order function groups. I am stuck on replicating the underscore reduce function or ._reduce function. Can someone help me understand how it works underneath the hood it has been a few days for me and I am stumped. Here is what I have so far. Please understand I am not utilizing the underscore library, I am trying to replicate it so that I can further my understanding on higher order functions. Thanks.

var reduce = function(collection, iterator, accumulator) {

    var iterator = function(startPoint, combiner){
      for(var i = 0; i <combiner.length; i++){
        startPoint += combiner[i];
    return iterator(accumulator, collection);

In the comments of these answers, there has been a lot of confusion between Underscore's reduce and Array.prototype.reduce . Two notes:

  • Underscore's reduce allows for an empty collection and no seed value. In this case, it will not throw an error but rather returns undefined . naomik has convinced me that this is not safe. For example _([]).reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b}); should either throw an error or return an empty list.
  • Underscore's reduce works on both objects and arrays.
  • Now, to my original post:

    I actually did the same thing—implement the key functions from Underscore from scratch—a while back, and reduce was probably the trickiest. I think reduce is easier to grok with a non-functional reduce (credit to naomik for this):

    function reduce(arr, func, seed) {
        var result = seed,
            len = arr.length,
            i = 0;
        for (; i < len; i++) {
            result = func(result, arr[i])
         return result

    Underscore's implementation is a bit more complex, handling objects and arrays, empty collections, and an optional seed value. It also uses each instead of a for loop, since that is more functional in style. This is my implementation of Underscore's reduce :

    var reduce = function(coll, func, seed) {
        // `isEmpty` (not shown) handles empty arrays, strings, and objects.
        // Underscore accepts an optional seed value and does not 
        // throw an error if given an empty collection and no seed.
        if (isEmpty(coll)) {
            return coll;
        var noSeed = arguments.length < 3;
        // `each` (not shown) should treat arrays and objects
        // in the same way.
        each(coll, function(item, i) {
            if (noSeed) {
                // This condition passes at most once. If it passes,
                // this means the user did not provide a seed value.
                // Default to the first item in the list.
                noSeed = false;
                seed = item;
            } else {
                seed = func(seed, item, i);
        return seed;


    // arr - some array of values
    // f   - the reducing function
    // acc - initial value for the accumulator
    function reduce(arr, f, acc) {
      if (arr.length === 0)
        return acc
        return reduce(arr.slice(1), f, f(acc, arr[0]))
    // --------------------------------------------------
    // example 1:
    // reduce an array of numbers using an adding function
    var ex1 = reduce([1,2,3], function(acc, x) { return acc + x }, 0)
    //=> 6
    // --------------------------------------------------
    // example 2:
    // reduce an array of pairs to a mapping object
    var ex2 = reduce([['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]], function(acc, pair) {
      var key = pair[0]
      var value = pair[1]
      acc[key] = value
      return acc
    }, {})
    //=> { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

    It's something like it:

    function reduce(array, combine, start) {
      for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
        start = combine(start, array[i]);
      return start;
    console.log(reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], function(a, b) {
      return a + b;
    }, 0));

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