How to Chain multiple Dialogs?
Im working on a bot with the C# Bot Builder.
Now, I know that there are quite a few example of how to deal with chaining dialogs. Like the FacebookAuthDialog or the ChainedEchoDialog.
What i want to do: A user has to go through an Authorization Dialog and when thats done, i want to immediately put the user into the "UserDialog" where he can use all the functions which needed his authentication.
Here is my Code:
public static readonly IDialog<string> dialog = Chain
new Case<Message, IDialog<string>>((msg) =>
var userInfo = new StorageClient().GetUser(msg.From.Id);
if (userInfo != null && userInfo.Activated)
return false;
return true;
}, (ctx, msg) =>
return Chain.ContinueWith(new AuthenticationDialog(),
async (context, res) =>
var result = await res;
return Chain.Return($"You successfully activated your account.");
new Case<Message, IDialog<string>>((msg) =>
var userInfo = new StorageClient().GetUser(msg.From.Id);
if (userInfo != null && userInfo.Activated)
return true;
return false;
}, (ctx, msg) =>
var service = new LuisService();
// User wants to login, send the message to Facebook Auth Dialog
return Chain.ContinueWith(new UserDialog(msg, service),
async (context, res) =>
return Chain.Return($"");
new DefaultCase<Message, IDialog<string>>((ctx, msg) =>
return Chain.Return("Something went wrong.");
This kind of works. I call this dialog from the MessageController with
await Conversation.SendAsync(message, () => ManagingDialog.dialog);
But this doesnt feel right. I also have to call this dialoge twice everytime a dialog finished, because when the user enters something nothing happens since that only starts the dialog.
I tried to put another ContinueWith after the Execution of the AuthenticationDialog Case, but i couldnt get it to work.
I'd really appreciate some help with maybe some code snippets. Im completely clueless.
Here is an example from the BotBuilder:
public async Task SampleChain_Quiz()
var quiz = Chain
.Select(_ => "how many questions?")
.Select(m => int.Parse(m.Text))
.Select(count => Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select(index => Chain.Return($"question {index + 1}?").PostToUser().WaitToBot().Select(m => m.Text)))
.Fold((l, r) => l + "," + r)
.Select(answers => "your answers were: " + answers)
using (var container = Build(Options.ResolveDialogFromContainer))
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
await AssertScriptAsync(container,
"how many questions?",
"question 1?",
"question 2?",
"question 3?",
"your answers were: A,B,C"
There is a good discussion on this topic on BotBuilder's github site
链接地址:上一篇: 是否有可能在Virtual Treeview中选择多个列?
下一篇: 如何链接多个对话框?