Run an ActiveX through Web
We have a webpage that works fine on the local computer as it uses a COM Object that is only available in the local computer.
the program generates HTML code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function ResizeControl(){Y = document.body.clientHeight;if (Y < 1) {Y = 1}X = document.body.clientWidth;if (X < 1) {X = 1}ActiveX.width = X;ActiveX.height = Y}
<style type="text/css">html, body { overflow:hidden; } </style>
<body OnResize="ResizeControl()" OnLoad="ResizeControl()" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0">
<object id="ActiveX" classid="CLSID:8EC68701-329D-4567-BCB5-9EE4BA43D358" width="14" height="14">
<PARAM NAME="tabName" VALUE="Complaints">
and shows fine
alt text
My question is , How can we port this into a web environment? As the Delphi developer has no idea and I'm not a Delphi fellow.
I want to be able to use this "webpage" on a web address
Any idea, any though, any door to open is greatly appreciate :)
I see two options:
This also ensures security because COM is not directly exposed to the internet. It is only accessible through the proxy.
您应该在您的Web服务器上部署ActiveX控件,并将该URL提供给object元素的codebase属性中的HTML页面中的.cab文件,以便用户可以通过Internet Explorer中的标准对话框下载并安装ActiveX组件。
链接地址:下一篇: 通过Web运行ActiveX