different formats of text in the same multiline node

I have an instance of TVirtualStringTree that formats text of a node in two different ways. The implementation is based on using toShowStaticText in the StringOptions as described in the accepted answer of this question: VirtualTreeView - different color of text in the same node

Everything used to work fine until I've set the MultiLine flag for the nodes. Now the OnPaintText event will no longer be triggered having TextType = ttStatic .

The reason for this behaviour can be found in the TCustomVirtualStringTree.DoPaintNode method and is obviously intended:

// ... and afterwards the static text if not centered and the node is not multiline enabled.
if (Alignment <> taCenter) and not (vsMultiline in PaintInfo.Node.States) and (toShowStaticText in TreeOptions.FStringOptions) then
  S := '';
  with PaintInfo do
    DoGetText(Node, Column, ttStatic, S);
  if Length(S) > 0 then
    PaintStaticText(PaintInfo, TextOutFlags, S);

Nevertheless, I want to have two different text formats in the same MultiLine Node. How can I do that?

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/35076.html

上一篇: 如何做到这一点,使节点根本没有父母

下一篇: 不同格式的文本在同一个多行节点中