Convert date to ISO 8601

In Python, how can I convert a string like this:

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 12:14:05 +0000

to ISO 8601 format, while keeping the timezone?

Please note that the orginal date is string, and the output should be string too, not datetime or something like that.

I have no problem to use third parties libraries, though.


import dateutil.parser as parser
text = 'Thu, 16 Dec 2010 12:14:05 +0000'
date = parser.parse(text)
# 2010-12-16T12:14:05+00:00

Python inbuilt datetime package has build in method to convert a datetime object to isoformat. Here is a example:

>>>from datetime import datetime
>>>date = datetime.strptime('Thu, 16 Dec 2010 12:14:05', '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')

output is


上一篇: xCBL的ISO 8601日期时间是否包含破折号?

下一篇: 将日期转换为ISO 8601