Detecting Color of iPhone/iPad/iPod touch?

Is there any way or hack to detect on what color (black / white) iPhone, iPad or iPod touch the iOS is installed?

I want to load corresponding UI skins in case of Black or White devices.

There's a private API to retrieve both the DeviceColor and the DeviceEnclosureColor .

UIDevice *device = [UIDevice currentDevice];
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"deviceInfoForKey:");
if (![device respondsToSelector:selector]) {
    selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"_deviceInfoForKey:");
if ([device respondsToSelector:selector]) {
    NSLog(@"DeviceColor: %@ DeviceEnclosureColor: %@", [device performSelector:selector withObject:@"DeviceColor"], [device performSelector:selector withObject:@"DeviceEnclosureColor"]);

I've blogged about this and provide a sample app:

Warning: As mentioned, this is a private API. Don't use this in App Store builds.

The answer to the question is NO (as of now) and personally I don't think it's worth much, because what if the end-user uses a skin or an additional casing for his iPhone?

I'd suggest to initially ask the user "Hey, what's the color of your phone?" and then do accordingly.

Additionally, a research provided me with this information, I'm not sure if it's TRUE or if is going to help you.

The serial number is the key :)

If aabccdddeef is the serial number of the iPhone 4, ee represents the Color, (A4=black). I hope some of you here check this information with yours to see if this is true.

Just my 2 cents worth - if anyone is looking for the iPhone 5c colors, the colors below are picked from the apple website.

Hope it is of use to anyone:-)

iPhone 5c Colors:

R   179
G   243
B   142

R   123
G   195
B   252

R   255
G   243
B   141

R   252
G   132
B   142

R   239
G   239
B   239

上一篇: 如何在iOS上获取设备型号和型号?

下一篇: 检测iPhone / iPad / iPod touch的颜色?