Having a flex project, how to compile it with mxmlc (not using flashBuilder gui)?

So I hava a usual flex project folder with .actionScriptProperties .flexProperties .project files in it and src , libs , html-template dirs. All my libs are in libs folder and my project is generally theme independent (I use costume theam). Jenerally it is simple live TCP stream video player - only default mx components. I want to have some kind of bat/sh script file for compiling my project from command terminal/cmd in realise mode into specific directory. How to do such thing?

Is there anything like

mxmlc compileDefaultApplication fromProject=pathToProject toRealiseDir=pathToRealiseDir




mxmlc MyApp.mxml load-config my-app-config.xml output /pathToRelease

In order to get the config in Flex/Flash builder you can go to the project properties and add this to the compiler arguments:

 -dump-config C:UsersshusainDesktopslotConfig.xml

with an appropriate path

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/35424.html

上一篇: 如何使用bat文件脚本替换文本文件中的文本?

下一篇: 有一个flex项目,如何用mxmlc编译它(不使用flashBuilder gui)?