virtual call to base class method

I want to use std::bind and do non-virtual call to base class function eg: derived_obj.BaseClass::foo()


Let's say I have base class A and derived class B . A has a virtual function foo() which is overridden by B .

class A
     virtual void foo() { std::cout << "Hello from A::foo()!";}

class B : public A
     void foo() overide { std::cout << "Hello from B::foo()!";}

If I want to call A::foo() from object of class B I do non-virtual call:

B b_obj;
b_obj.A::foo(); // prints "Hello from A::foo()!"

Now I want to use std::bind and do non-virtual call to A::foo() from b_obj, how do I do this?

I've already tried by casting b_obj to A and use address of &A::foo() , but had no luck.

auto f = std::bind(&A::foo, static_cast<A*>(&b_obj));
f(); // prints "Hello from B::foo()!" but it should print "Hello from A::foo()!"

You have two options here. You should either do the non-virtual call in a lambda or you go the trusty old way of slicing the object (which is a copy) you want to pass to std::bind .

// Base method
B b_obj; b_obj.A::foo(); // prints "Hello from A::foo()!"

// First method
auto k = [](auto b){ b.A::foo(); };

// Second method
auto f = std::bind(&A::foo, *static_cast<A*>(&b_obj));

This all prints:

Hello from A::foo()!
Hello from A::foo()!
Hello from A::foo()!

The Second method works (slices) since std::bind copies its arguments. You should really prefer a lambda.

You could wrap the call inside a lambda:

B b_obj;
auto f = std::bind([&b_obj]() { b_obj.A::foo(); } );

But this makes little sense unless you can only use std::bind somewhere (for example because of std::is_bind_expression ), as you pass the object parameter to the lambda's capture, not to bind.

Otherwise just using a lambda or std::function without bind should be cleaner.


上一篇: 作为输出的实习生方法概念混淆随着不同版本而改变

下一篇: 虚拟调用基类方法