Can't publish feed to Facebook page by Graph API

I created Facebook app for login on web site and publish feed to facebook page. Website try to auth user with

scope=publish_stream,email,user_birthday,user_location,manage_pages but given access token with scopes: public_profile, email.

When authorize with admin of facebook app it will be able to post feed on facebook page, any other user can't. Maybe I missed some facebook app config?

I use org.brickred.socialauth.AuthProvider.api()

First thing, make sure your app is not in development mode (settings > Status & Review). When the app is in the dev mode, only the developers/admins and testers can test the app.

Second thing, don't use the deprecated publish_stream permission, use publish_actions instead.


上一篇: 替代Facebook阅读

下一篇: Graph API无法将提要发布到Facebook页面