How would you do a PivotTable function in Mathematica?
PivotTables in Excel (or, cross tabulations) are quite useful. Has anyone already thought about how to implement a similar function in Mathematica?
I am not familiar with the use of pivot tables, but taking the example on the page linked above, I propose this:
key = # -> #2[[1]] & ~MapIndexed~
{"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
choices = {
{"North", "South", "East", "West"},
{"Boy", "Girl"},
{"Tee", "Golf", "Fancy"},
IntegerString[#, 10, 2] <> "/2011" & /@ Range@12,
Range[8.00, 15.00, 0.01],
Range[6.00, 14.00, 0.01]
data = RandomChoice[#, 150] & /@ choices // Transpose;
This creates data
that looks like:
{"East", "Girl", "Golf", "03/2011", 6, 12.29`, 6.18`},
{"West", "Boy", "Fancy", "08/2011", 6, 13.01`, 12.39`},
{"North", "Girl", "Golf", "05/2011", 1, 14.87`, 12.89`},
{"East", "Girl", "Golf", "09/2011", 3, 13.99`, 6.25`},
{"North", "Girl", "Golf", "09/2011", 13, 12.66`, 8.57`},
{"East", "Boy", "Fancy", "10/2011", 2, 14.46`, 6.85`},
{"South", "Boy", "Golf", "11/2011", 13, 12.45`, 11.23`}
h1 = Union@data[[All, "Region" /. key]];
h2 = Union@data[[All, "Ship Date" /. key]];
Sow[#[[{"Units", "Ship Date"} /. key]], #[["Region" /. key]]] & ~Scan~ data,
Reap[Sow @@@ #2, h2, Total @ #2 &][[2]] &
TableForm[Join @@ %, TableHeadings -> {h1, h2}]
This is a rough example, but it gives an idea of how this may be done. If you have more specific requirements I will attempt to address them.
Here is an update in the manner of Sjoerd's answer.
The Manipulate
block is largely copied, but I believe my pivotTableData
is more efficient, and I sought to localize symbols correctly, since this is now presented as usable code rather than a rough example.
I start with the same sample data, but I embed the field headings, since I feel this is more representative of normal use.
data = ImportString[#, "TSV"][[1]] & /@ Flatten[Import[""][[28 ;; -7]]];
data = Transpose[{
data[[All, 1]],
data[[All, 2]] /. {1 -> "South", 0 -> "Elsewhere"},
data[[All, 3]] /. {1 -> "Female", 0 -> "Male"},
data[[All, 4]],
data[[All, 5]] /. {1 -> "Union Member", 0 -> "No member"},
data[[All, 6]],
data[[All, 7]],
data[[All, 8]] /. {1 -> "Other", 2 -> "Hispanic", 3 -> "White"},
data[[All, 9]] /. {1 -> "Management", 2 -> "Sales", 3 -> "Clerical", 4 -> "Service", 5 -> "Professional", 6 -> "Other"},
data[[All, 10]] /. {0 -> "Other", 1 -> "Manufacturing", 2 -> "Construction"},
data[[All, 11]] /. {1 -> "Married", 0 -> "Unmarried"}
{"Education", "South", "Sex", "Experience", "Union", "Wage", "Age", "Race", "Occupation", "Sector", "Marriatal status"}
My pivotTableData
is self contained.
pivotTableData[data_, field1_, field2_, dependent_, op_] :=
Module[{key, sow, h1, h2, ff},
(key@# = #2[[1]]) & ~MapIndexed~ data[[1]];
sow = #[[key /@ {dependent, field2}]] ~Sow~ #[[key@field1]] &;
{h1, h2} = Union@data[[2 ;;, key@#]] & /@ {field1, field2};
ff = # /. {{} -> Missing@"NotAvailable", _ :> op @@ #} &;
{h1, h2},
Join @@ Reap[sow ~Scan~ Rest@data, h1, ff /@ Reap[Sow @@@ #2, h2][[2]] &][[2]]
relies only on pivotTableData
pivotTable[data_?MatrixQ] :=
DynamicModule[{raw, t, header = data[[1]], opList =
{Mean -> "Mean of [Rule]",
Total -> "Sum of [Rule]",
Length -> "Count of [Rule]",
StandardDeviation -> "SD of [Rule]",
Min -> "Min of [Rule]",
Max -> "Max of [Rule]"}},
raw = pivotTableData[data, f1, f2, f3, op];
t = ConstantArray["", Length /@ raw[[1]] + 2];
t[[1, 1]] = Control[{op, opList}];
t[[1, 3]] = Control[{f2, header}];
t[[2, 1]] = Control[{f1, header}];
t[[1, 2]] = Control[{f3, header}];
{{t[[3 ;; -1, 1]], t[[2, 3 ;; -1]]}, t[[3 ;; -1, 3 ;; -1]]} = raw;
TableView[N@t, Dividers -> All],
Initialization :> {op = Mean, f1 = data[[1,1]], f2 = data[[1,2]], f3 = data[[1,3]]}
Use is simply:
A quick-and-dirty pivot table visualization:
I'll start with a more interesting real-life data set:
data = ImportString[#, "TSV"][[1]] & /@
Flatten[Import[""][[28 ;; -7]]
A bit of post-processing:
data =
data[[All, 1]],
data[[All, 2]] /. {1 -> "South", 0 -> "Elsewhere"},
data[[All, 3]] /. {1 -> "Female", 0 -> "Male"},
data[[All, 4]],
data[[All, 5]] /. {1 -> "Union Member", 0 -> "No member"},
data[[All, 6]],
data[[All, 7]],
data[[All, 8]] /. {1 -> "Other", 2 -> "Hispanic", 3 -> "White"},
data[[All, 9]] /. {1 -> "Management", 2 -> "Sales", 3 -> "Clerical",
4 -> "Service", 5 -> "Professional", 6 -> "Other"},
data[[All, 10]] /. {0 -> "Other", 1 -> "Manufacturing", 2 -> "Construction"},
data[[All, 11]] /. {1 -> "Married", 0 -> "Unmarried"}
header = {"Education", "South", "Sex", "Experience", "Union", "Wage",
"Age", "Race", "Occupation", "Sector", "Marriatal status"};
MapIndexed[(headerNumber[#1] = #2[[1]]) &, header];
levelNames = Union /@ Transpose[data];
levelLength = Length /@ levelNames;
Now for the real stuff. It also uses the function SelectEquivalents
defined in What is in your Mathematica tool bag?
pivotTableData[levelName1_, levelName2_, dependent_, op_] :=
FinalFunction -> (If[Length[#] == 0, Missing["NotAvailable"], op[# // Flatten]] &),
TagPattern ->
_?(#[[headerNumber[levelName1]]] == levelMember1 &&
#[[headerNumber[levelName2]]] == levelMember2 &),
TransformElement -> (#[[headerNumber[dependent]]] &)
{levelMember1, levelNames[[headerNumber[levelName1]]]},
{levelMember2, levelNames[[headerNumber[levelName2]]]}
{opList =
{Mean ->"Mean of [Rule]", Total ->"Sum of [Rule]", Length ->"Count of [Rule]",
StandardDeviation -> "SD of [Rule]", Min -> "Min of [Rule]",
Max -> "Max of [Rule]"
}, t},
t[[3 ;; -1, 1]] = levelNames[[headerNumber[h1]]];
t[[2, 3 ;; -1]] = levelNames[[headerNumber[h2]]];
t[[1, 1]] = Control[{op, opList}];
t[[1, 3]] = Control[{h2, header}];
t[[2, 1]] = Control[{h1, header}];
t[[1, 2]] = Control[{h3, header}];
t[[3 ;; -1, 3 ;; -1]] = pivotTableData[h1, h2, h3, op] // N;
TableView[t, Dividers -> All],
Initialization :> {op = Mean, h1 = "Sector", h2 = "Union", h3 = "Wage"}
There's still a bit of work to do. The DynamicModule
should be turned into a fully standalone function, with the header stuff more streamlined, but this should be sufficient for a first impression.
Use , this way you have the best of both worlds. This product creates a flawless link between Excel and mma, 2-ways.
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