A variation of IntegerPartition?
IntegerPartitions[n, {3, 10}, Prime ~Array~ 10]
In Mathematica this will give a list of all the ways to get n as the sum of from three to ten of the first ten prime numbers, allowing duplicates as needed.
How can I efficiently find the sums that equal n, allowing each element to only be used once ?
Using the first ten primes is only a toy example. I seek a solution that is valid for arbitrary arguments. In actual cases, generating all possible sums, even using polynomial coefficients, takes too much memory.
I forgot to include that I am using Mathematica 7.
The following will build a binary tree, and then analyze it and extract the results:
intParts[num_, elems_List] /; Total[elems] < num := p[];
intParts[num_, {fst_, rest___}] /;
fst < num := {p[fst, intParts[num - fst, {rest}]], intParts[num, {rest}]};
intParts[num_, {fst_, rest___}] /; fst > num := intParts[num, {rest}];
intParts[num_, {num_, rest___}] := {pf[num], intParts[num, {rest}]};
nextPosition =
Compile[{{pos, _Integer, 1}},
Module[{ctr = 0, len = Length[pos]},
While[ctr < len && pos[[len - ctr]] == 1, ++ctr];
While[ctr < len && pos[[len - ctr]] == 2, ++ctr];
Append[Drop[pos, -ctr], 1]], CompilationTarget -> "C"];
Clear[getPartitionsFromTree, getPartitions];
getPartitionsFromTree[tree_] :=
Map[Extract[tree, #[[;; -3]] &@FixedPointList[nextPosition, #]] &,
Position[tree, _pf, Infinity]] /. pf[x_] :> x;
getPartitions[num_, elems_List] :=
getPartitionsFromTree@intParts[num, Reverse@Sort[elems]];
For example,
In[14]:= getPartitions[200,Prime~Array~150]//Short//Timing
Out[14]= {0.5,{{3,197},{7,193},{2,5,193},<<4655>>,{3,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,37,41},
This is not insanely fast, and perhaps the algorithm could be optimized further, but at least the number of partitions does not grow as fast as for IntegerPartitions
It is interesting that simple memoization speeds the solution up about twice on the example I used before:
intParts[num_, elems_List] /; Total[elems] < num := p[];
intParts[num_, seq : {fst_, rest___}] /; fst < num :=
intParts[num, seq] = {p[fst, intParts[num - fst, {rest}]],
intParts[num, {rest}]};
intParts[num_, seq : {fst_, rest___}] /; fst > num :=
intParts[num, seq] = intParts[num, {rest}];
intParts[num_, seq : {num_, rest___}] :=
intParts[num, seq] = {pf[num], intParts[num, {rest}]};
In[118]:= getPartitions[200, Prime~Array~150] // Length // Timing
Out[118]= {0.219, 4660}
Can use Solve over Integers, with multipliers constrained between 0 and 1. I'll show for a specific example (first 10 primes, add to 100) but it is easy to make a general procedure for this.
primeset = Prime[Range[10]];
mults = Array[x, Length[primeset]];
constraints01 = Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, mults];
target = 100;
Timing[res = mults /.
Solve[Flatten[{mults.primeset == target, constraints01}],
mults, Integers];
Map[Pick[primeset, #, 1] &, res]
Out[178]= {0.004, {{7, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29}, {5, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29}, {5, 7, 17, 19, 23, 29}, {2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29}, {2, 3, 11, 13, 19, 23, 29}, {2, 3, 7, 17, 19, 23, 29}, {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23}}}
---edit--- To do this in version 7 one would use Reduce instead of Solve. I'll bundle this in one function.
knapsack[target_, items_] := Module[
{newset, x, mults, res},
newset = Select[items, # <= target &];
mults = Array[x, Length[newset]];
res = mults /.
Flatten[{mults.newset == target, Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, mults]}],
mults, Integers]]};
Map[Pick[newset, #, 1] &, res]]
Here is Leonid Shifrin's example:
Timing[Length[knapsack[200, Prime[Range[150]]]]]
Out[128]= {1.80373, 4660}
Not as fast as the tree code, but still (I think) reasonable behavior. At least, not obviously unreasonable.
---end edit---
Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research
I would like to propose a solution, similar in spirit to Leonid's but shorter and less memory intensive. Instead of building the tree and post-processing it, the code walks the tree and Sow
s the solution when found:
list : {__Integer?Positive}] :=
Block[{f, $RecursionLimit = Infinity},
f[n_, cv_, {n_, r___}] :=
(Sow[Flatten[{cv, n}]]; f[n, cv, {r}];);
f[n_, cv_, {m_, r___}] /; m > n := f[n, cv, {r}];
f[n_, cv_, {m_, r___}] /;
Total[{r}] >= n - m := (f[n - m, {cv, m}, {r}]; f[n, cv, {r}]);
f[___] := Null;
Part[Reap[f[num, {}, Reverse@Union[Cases[list, x_ /; x <= num]]]],
2, 1]]
This code is slower than Leonid's
UniqueIntegerParitions[200, Prime~Array~PrimePi[200]] //
Length // Timing
Out[177]= {0.499, 4660}
but uses about >~ 6 times less memory, thus allowing to go further.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/35566.html下一篇: IntegerPartition的变体?