(* code to Construct structures *)
wing = {
(*Base Cylinders*)
{Gray, Cylinder[{{10, 10, 10}, {10, 10, 6}}, 7]},
{Blue, Cylinder[{{10, 10, 6}, {10, 10, 5}}, 7]},
{Blue, Cylinder[{{10, 10, 5}, {10, 10, 4}}, 7]},
{Gray, Cylinder[{{10, 10, 4}, {10, 10, 2}}, 7]},
(*top cylinders*)
{Blue, Cylinder[{{10, 10, 12}, {10, 10, 10}}, 4]},
{Gray, Cylinder[{{10, 10, 14}, {10, 10, 12}}, 4]},
(*Parallel Beamers*)
{Gray, Cuboid[{0, 7, 12}, {20, 13, 2}]}};
house = {
(*the house*)
{Darker[Red, 0.3], Cuboid[{-10, -10, 0}, {2, 3, 12}]},
{Darker[Brown, 0.4],
Polygon[{{-10, -10, 12}, {-4, -3, 18}, {2, -10, 12}}]},
{Darker[Brown, 0.4],
Polygon[{{2, -10, 12}, {-4, -3, 18}, {2, 3, 12}}]},
{Darker[Brown, 0.4],
Polygon[{{2, 3, 12}, {-4, -3, 18}, {-10, 3, 12}}]},
{Darker[Brown, 0.4],
Polygon[{{-10, 3, 12}, {-4, -3, 18}, {-10, -10, 12}}]},
Polygon[{{2.005, -5.25, 0}, {2.005, -5.25, 5}, {2.005, -1.75,
5}, {2.005, -1.75, 0}}]},
(*Door Knob*)
{Orange, Sphere[{2.005, -2.25, 2.5}, 0.25]},
{Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{2.005, -9, 6}, {2.005, -9, 10}, {2.005, -5,
10}, {2.005, -5, 6}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{2.005, -1.75, 6}, {2.005, -1.75, 10}, {2.005, 2,
10}, {2.005, 2, 6}}]},
{Gray, Cuboid[{-2, -9, 12.75}, {-5, -7, 17}]},
(*Lines for the Window*)
{Black, Cuboid[{2.006, -9, 7.9}, {2.006, -5, 8.1}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{2.006, -7.1, 6}, {2.006, -6.9, 10}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{2.006, 0, 6}, {2.006, 0.2, 10}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{2.006, -1.75, 7.9}, {2.006, 2, 8.1}]},
{Darker[Green, 0.5],
Polygon[{{2, -10, 0}, {2, 3, 0}, {-10, 3, 0}, {-10, 10, 0}, {2,
10, 0}, {10, 10, 0}, {10, -10, 0}}]},
{Darker[Gray, 0.5],
Polygon[{{2, -5.25, 0.005}, {2, -1.75, 0.005}, {10, -1.75,
0.005}, {10, -5.25, 0.005}}]},
(*Side Windows*)
{Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{1, 3.005, 2}, {1, 3.005, 5}, {-4, 3.005, 5}, {-4, 3.005,
2}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{-5, 3.005, 7}, {-9, 3.005, 7}, {-9, 3.005, 10}, {-5,
3.005, 10}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{0, 3.005, 7}, {0, 3.005, 11}, {-2, 3.005, 11}, {-2,
3.005, 7}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{-6, 3.005, 2}, {-6, 3.005, 6}, {-8, 3.005, 6}, {-8,
3.005, 2}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{1, -10.005, 2}, {1, -10.005, 5}, {-4, -10.005,
5}, {-4, -10.005, 2}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{-5, -10.005, 7}, {-9, -10.005, 7}, {-9, -10.005,
10}, {-5, -10.005, 10}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{0, -10.005, 7}, {0, -10.005, 11}, {-2, -10.005,
11}, {-2, -10.005, 7}}]}, {Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{-6, -10.005, 2}, {-6, -10.005, 6}, {-8, -10.005,
6}, {-8, -10.005, 2}}]},
(*Back Window*)
{Lighter[Blue, 0.5],
Polygon[{{-10.005, 1, 3}, {-10.005, 1, 9}, {-10.005, -8,
9}, {-10.005, -8, 3}}]},
(*Lines for the Window*)
{Black, Cuboid[{-1.4, 3.006, 2}, {-1.6, 3.006, 5}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{1, 3.006, 3.4}, {-4, 3.005, 3.6}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{-6.85, 3.006, 7}, {-7.1, 3.006, 10}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{-5, 3.006, 8.4}, {-9, 3.006, 8.6}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{-1.4, -10.006, 2}, {-1.6, -10.006, 5}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{1, -10.006, 3.4}, {-4, -10.005, 3.6}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{-6.85, -10.006, 7}, {-7.1, -10.006, 10}]},
{Black, Cuboid[{-5, -10.006, 8.4}, {-9, -10.006, 8.6}]}};
(* Holds the constructions together *)
tab = HoldForm@{
place[wing, 2, {0, 70, -27}, 0, "Building1"],
place[house, 1, {170, 200, -50}, 0, "Building2"]};
(* defining the function place in the above function *)
place[obj_, scale_, trans_, rotate_, name_] :=
ScalingTransform[scale {1, 1, 1}].TranslationTransform[
trans].RotationTransform[rotate Degree, {0, 0, 1}]]
(* Function to show the images in a particular plane *)
view := Show[
Graphics3D[ReleaseHold[tab], PlotRange -> Automatic,
ImageSize -> {500, 500}, Boxed -> True,
AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}, Axes -> True]];
(*--------------code over ----------------------------------------------------*)
我想要在飞机上看到这些图像的第一人称视角。 我希望能够以图像的形式在飞机周围移动,并有机会像原始视图一样移动
有没有办法可以做到。 我们是否可以在x轴上移动一个可以围绕x轴移动的对象,并且可以让我们看到x轴和y轴以及z轴的结构可以通过参数进行更改?
这样的概念。 下面的代码可以让您试验一下在您的特定示例中摄像机的位置和视角如何影响视图。 tab
With[{xrange = {0, 180}, yrange = {150, 240}, zrange = {-50, 0}},
DynamicModule[{vv, crd},
With[{gr = Graphics3D[ReleaseHold[tab],
PlotRange -> {xrange, yrange, zrange}, ImageSize -> {500, 500},
Boxed -> True, AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}, Axes -> True], eyelevel = -48},
crd = {Cos[phi] Sin[theta], Sin[theta] Sin[phi], Cos[theta]};
vv = {Append[{ptx, pty}, eyelevel], Append[{ptx, pty}, eyelevel] + crd};
Graphics3D[{{Red, Sphere[vv[[1]], .5]},
{Opacity[.3], Cone[{vv[[1]] + 100 crd, vv[[1]]}, 100 Tan[a/2]]}}]},
ImageSize -> 350],
Show[gr, Axes -> False, ViewVertical -> {0, 0, 1},
ViewVector -> vv, ViewAngle -> a , ImageSize -> 350]}}]]],
{{a, 50 Degree, "View Angle"}, 10 Degree, 180 Degree},
{{ptx, 100, "Camera Position x"}, Sequence @@ xrange},
{{pty, 200, "Camera Position y"}, Sequence @@ yrange},
{{phi, Pi, "Horizontal Angle"}, 0, 2 Pi},
{{theta, Pi/2, "Vertical Angle"}, 0, Pi}]]
Show[Graphics3D[ReleaseHold[tab], PlotRange -> Automatic,
ImageSize -> {500, 500}, Boxed -> True,
AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}, Axes -> True,
ViewPoint -> {x, y, z}]], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, {z, -2, 2}]
上一篇: First Person view of structures in mathematica
下一篇: How can this linear solver be linked within Mathematica?