C#.Net case

Why does C#.Net allow the declaration of the string object to be case-insensitive?

String sHello = "Hello";
string sHello = "Hello";

Both the lower-case and upper-case S of the word String are acceptable and this seems to be the only object that allows this.

Can anyone explain why?

string is a language keyword while System.String is the type it aliases.

Both compile to exactly the same thing, similarly:

  • int is System.Int32
  • long is System.Int64
  • float is System.Single
  • double is System.Double
  • char is System.Char
  • byte is System.Byte
  • short is System.Int16
  • ushort is System.UInt16
  • uint is System.UInt32
  • ulong is System.UInt64
  • I think in most cases this is about code legibility - all the basic system value types have aliases, I think the lower case string might just be for consistency.

    Further to the other answers, it's good practice to use keywords if they exist.

    Eg you should use string rather than System.String .

    "String" is the name of the class. "string" is keyword that maps this class.

    it's the same like

  • Int32 => int
  • Decimal => decimal
  • Int64 => long
  • ... and so on...

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/3564.html

    上一篇: “使用”指令应该位于命名空间的内部还是外部?

    下一篇: C#.Net案例