Get location name by giving ZIP codes

I need to display the location and city name when a user enters a ZIP Code. How do I get the corresponding location names?

I would use a website like

and just send the zipcode to that, retrieve the input, parse for the city name, easy as that.

试试USPS邮政编码API -

You can use the PlaceFinder geocoding web service to make REST based requests using the postal code you want to resolve to a name. The service supports both XML and JSON response formats. Here is a listing of the response elements returned by the service.

Using .NET, you would leverage the client or request/response classes in the System.Net namespace to make a request to the service and process the reponse.


上一篇: WordPress的位置搜索邮编

下一篇: 通过提供邮政编码获取位置名称