Update just one gem with bundler

I use bundler to manage dependencies in my rails app, and I have a gem hosted in a git repository included as followed:

gem 'gem-name', :git => 'path/to/my/gem.git'

To update this gem, I execute bundle update but it also updates all the gem mentioned in Gemfile. So what is the command to update just one specific gem?

Here you can find a good explanation on the difference between

Update both gem and dependencies:

bundle update gem-name 


Update exclusively the gem:

bundle update --source gem-name

along with some nice examples of possible side-effects.


As @Tim's answer says, as of Bundler 1.14 the officially-supported way to this is with bundle update --conservative gem-name .


bundle update --source gem-name


bundle update gem-name
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/35976.html

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