In C# what is the difference: string vs String

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In C# what is the difference between String and string

In C# there is string and there is System.String .

What is the difference between these? Is one considered better to use that the other. Are there any hidden dangers in mixing the use of them?

If they are the same, then why have them both? Why not just have one or the other?

System.String is the name of the actual .NET CLR class, just like System.Int32 is the real name of that class. But the designers of C# wanted it to look a lot like C and C++, where the native types (like int ) are in lower case, so they added aliases for the basic native types.

There is no difference.

The string type represents a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters. string is an alias for String in the .NET Framework.

No difference string is an alias for String. See here

For more information, see the following sections in the C# Language Specification:

2.4.2 Identifiers String literals

4.2.3 The string type

7.9.7 String equality operators


上一篇: 在C#中string.Empty和String.Empty之间的区别

下一篇: 在C#中有什么区别:string vs String