ruby on rails

Quick question.

I'm trying to use the Acts-As-Taggable gem to search for multiple tags at the same time. The trick is, I want to search for any posts containing at least one of the tags. I've partially figured it out.

If in my songs controller I put

if params[:tag]
      @songs = Song.tagged_with(["Hip-Hop-3, Hip-Hop-5"], :any => true)

It will find all posts containing one or more of the tags.

The problem is, when I want to move these parameters into a ERB link_to

Here is my controller:

if params[:tag]
      @songs = Song.tagged_with(params[:tag], :any => true).order("created_at DESC").paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 36)

Here is my link_to

<%= link_to "House", tag_path(["Hip-Hop-5","Hip-Hop-3"]) %>

In this situation the URL is the same, http://localhost:3000/tags/Hip-Hop-5/Hip-Hop-3, but it doesn't show any of the posts like the previous method did.

Am I doing something wrong with the parameter?


Is there a way I can have the tagged_with method search for tags containing certain characters. So find tags that contain the word "Hip-Hop" in it? Thank you!

Thank you,


You need to modify the url as follows:

<%= link_to "House", tag_path(tag: ["Hip-Hop-5","Hip-Hop-3"]) %>

I believe that the controller won't be able to find params[:tag] as per your link because it is not passed as hash to the method tag_path, using tag: params[:tag] should ensure correct assignment of the params[:tag] to the parameters you were passing.


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