NSFetchedResultsController order not changed when it should

I have a NSFetchedResultsController (or NSFRC) that is really pretty standard;

  • No predicate set
  • Fetch all items of one entity kind
  • Sorted by a NSDate field (descending)
  • Delegate is set
  • Data is fetched
  • Up next the data gets updated:

  • A background thread updates the data
  • the field used in the sort order gets changed among with other fields.
  • The changes are merged into the main threads' ObjectContext
  • The NSFRC nicely passes on the changes to the TableView, except for the order changes .
  • Is doesn't matter if I animate changes, or simply do reloadData() , data is changed, the order isn't.
  • I would expect the delegate for example to swap the first and second row because the second row's date value is now higher than the first one.

    If I re-open the ViewController (so the fetch is done again on a new VC and NSFRC ) the order does change as expected. But thats anything but intuitive for the user.

    Could anyone please point me into possible places to search for my mistake?

    Just to reiterate:

  • Changes to content are being delegated, ie another field contains text, which does get changed.
  • The order is not being changed. So it appears the SortOrder is only used when fetching the very first time.

  • Here's two screenshots, the second line (date) is also the sort order. The second image shows updated data but a wrong sort order.





    When your data changes you may need to nil the NSFRC and let it do its thing. For example. Lets say that you have a function which changes the order of your items. If you are using standard Apple code, you should have something like this

    func updateSort () {
        _fetchedResultsController = nil //Here is the magic
    // MARK: - Core Data
    var fetchedResultsController:NSFetchedResultsController {
        if _fetchedResultsController != nil {
            return _fetchedResultsController!
        // do your basic initialization and set the delegate and return it
        return _fetchedResultsController!
     var _fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController? = nil
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/36160.html

    上一篇: 使用NSFetchedResultsController和SortDescriptors对部分内的项目进行排序

    下一篇: NSFetchedResultsController的顺序应该不会改变