String Comparison with wildcards
I am trying to see if a string is part of another string in shell script (#!bin/sh).
The code i have now is:
#Test scriptje to test string comparison!
testFoo () {
echo "t1: $t1 t2: $t2"
if [ $t1 == "*$t2*" ]; then
echo "$t1 and $t2 are equal"
testFoo "bla1" "bla"
The result I'm looking for, is that I want to know when "bla" exists in "bla1".
Thanks and kind regards,
UPDATE: I've tried both the "contains" function as described here: How do you tell if a string contains another string in Unix shell scripting?
As well as the syntax in String contains in bash
However, they seem to be non compatible with normal shell script (bin/sh)...
In bash you can write (note the asterisks are outside the quotes)
if [[ $t1 == *"$t2"* ]]; then
echo "$t1 and $t2 are equal"
For /bin/sh, the =
operator is only for equality not for pattern matching. You can use case
case "$t1" in
*"$t2"*) echo t1 contains t2 ;;
*) echo t1 does not contain t2 ;;
If you're specifically targetting linux, I would assume the presence of /bin/bash.
链接地址:上一篇: 在shell脚本中比较两个字符串变量
下一篇: 字符串与通配符比较