How do I install a .whl file in a PyCharm virtualenv?

The package manager in Project Interpreter doesn't appear to have any way for me to run a pure pip command so I'm unable to install the wheel as I normally would through command line.

Running through command line installs the wheel on my base python install and not the virtualenv. Help?

To install via your command line, and avoid installing on your base Python, you'll have to first activate the virtualenv :

$ source path_to_your_venv/bin/activate

for POSIX systems, and:

> path_to_venvScriptsactivate

for Windows systems.

You can then install the .whl file with pip install filename.whl


上一篇: 将我的iOS应用程序检测为Web浏览器

下一篇: 如何在PyCharm virtualenv中安装.whl文件?