Find the difference in days between a java.util.Date and a Joda

是否有可能找到java.util.Date和Joda-Time DateTime之间的差异(最好用天数表示)?

class ReminderInterval{
    //it will return a last login date(java.util.Date)
    Date lastDate=Obj.getAccepted();

    //it is Joda-Time type
    DateTime currentDate=new DateTime();

Just convert Date to DateTime and then use Days#daysBetween() . The DateTime has a constructor taking the time in millis and the Date has a getter returning exaclty that.

DateTime lastDate = new DateTime(Obj.getAccepted().getTime());
DateTime currentDate = new DateTime();
int days = Days.daysBetween(lastDate, currentDate).getDays();

上一篇: 如何找到两个乔达之间的区别

下一篇: 查找java.util.Date和Joda之间的天数差异