Checking if date falls in a specified month in Oracle

procedure Charge(p_inputdate   N VARCHAR2,//Date which accepts only MMYYYY format
                   inout_Cur OUT result_cur) IS

I need to validate the effective_date which is in date format (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

For example: The user enters 112013 as input and the effective date to check is 11/12/2013 09:13:22

Is it possible to find whether the effective date falls within the specified month?

can you please comment on this..

I tried below way:


v_effectiveDate := substr(V_INPUTDATE,1,2)+'/'+'01'+'/'+substr(V_INPUTDATE,3,4);

01 is nothing but month always start with 01(dd) Is this rightway ..??

If date happens to be a VARCHAR2 you need to first convert it to DATE:

effective_date DATE;  -- Put this line in the declare section

effective_date := to_date('11/12/2013 09:13:22', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');

When you have the date, the rest is easy:

IF p_inputdate = to_char(effective_date, 'MMYYYY') THEN
    -- Date is ok.
    -- Date is not ok.

上一篇: 在SQL中使用的日期之间的比较

下一篇: 检查日期是否在Oracle的指定月份中