Sparse Voxel Octree Smooth Meshing
I've been looking over several searches on our God Google, and haven't found any article that explains, in a intuitive way, the following question:
"How can i smoothly mesh a Octree of voxels?"
I know how a octree works theoretically (never implemented one "yet"). What i want is an algorithm approach of how to take that nodes data, and generate a smooth, triangle-based, Mesh, like Marching Cubes does (I don't even know if a octree uses a marching cubes...).
Basically, i wanna know how to connect vertices from multiple scales of "cubes" together.
In a Minecraft-like space (where Earth is flat), for Marching Cubes, it is easy to do, because it considers all cubes in the same size, but in a octree, a child node has half the size of it's parents. How can i mesh these different cubes?
Any explanation/link/whatever would be appreciated!
链接地址:上一篇: 设计函数f(f(n))==
下一篇: 稀疏体素八叉树光滑网格