Bipartite selection with associated vertex cost

I think I'm looking for an algorithm that can find a "minimum" "selection" in a bipartite graph. Each vertex has an associated (integer) cost to selecting it. I can only find algorithms that minimise the number of vertices in the selected set, not the cost. I'd previously thought I need a "matching", but actually I just need the subset of vertices that cover every edge...

I don't think a greedy solution can work. Suppose our sets are A, B:

Vertices 1,2,3 are in A and have cost 1. Vertex 4 is in B and has cost 2.

The solution is to remove the most expensive vertex, 4. A greedy solution that chose based on cost would fail. Similarly, if B had cost 10, we could not choose the most connected vertex greedily.

I thought of a different wording: "Given a bipartite graph where each vertex has an associated cost, find a subset of vertices of minimum cost such that every edge is incident on at least one vertex in your selected subset".

Primal LP:

min sum_v c_v x_v
forall e=vw. x_v + x_w >= 1
forall v. x_v >= 0

Dual LP:

max sum_e y_e
forall v. sum_{e=vw} y_e <= c_v
forall e. y_e >= 0
  • Find a min cut where the edges are arcs from A to B with infinite capacity, the vertices in A are sources, and the vertices in B are sinks, with all vertices having capacity equal to their cost. (Equivalently, make a supersource with arcs to A and a supersink with arcs from B.)

  • Take the As that are on the "sink" side of the cut and the Bs that are on the "source" side. Every edge vw is covered because if neither v nor w belonged to the cover then vw would be residual.

  • Hat tip I think to Jenő Egerváry.


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