concrete object to array

I need to map some values from a class to an array. For example:

    public class Employee
        public string name;
        public int age;
        public int cars;

must be converted to

[age, cars]

I tried with this

var employee = new Employee()
            name = "test",
            age = 20,
            cars = 1

        int[] array = new int[] {};

        Mapper.CreateMap<Employee, int[]>()
            .ForMember(x => x,
                options =>
                    options.MapFrom(source => new[] { source.age, });

        Mapper.Map(employee, array);

but i get this error:

Using mapping configuration for Employee to System.Int32[] Exception of type 'AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException' was thrown. ----> System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Any clue to solve this with AutoMapper?

I found a good solution. Using the ConstructUsing feature is the way to go.

    public void CanConvertEmployeeToArray()

        var employee = new Employee()
            name = "test",
            age = 20,
            cars = 1

        Mapper.CreateMap<Employee, int[]>().ConstructUsing(
                x => new int[] { x.age, }

        var array = Mapper.Map<Employee, int[]>(employee);

        Assert.That(employee.age, Is.EqualTo(array[0]));
        Assert.That(, Is.EqualTo(array[1]));


上一篇: 自动映射器和深度加载

下一篇: 具体对象到数组