Simple proof that GUID is not unique

I'd like to prove that a GUID is not unique in a simple test program. I expected the following code to run for hours, but it's not working. How can I make it work?

BigInteger begin = new BigInteger((long)0);
BigInteger end = new BigInteger("340282366920938463463374607431768211456",10);  //2^128
for(begin; begin<end; begin++)

I'm using C#.

Kai, I have provided a program that will do what you want using threads. It is licensed under the following terms: you must pay me $0.0001 per hour per CPU core you run it on. Fees are payable at the end of each calendar month. Please contact me for my paypal account details at your earliest convenience.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace GuidCollisionDetector
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //var reserveSomeRam = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 100];     // This indeed has no effect.

            Console.WriteLine("{0:u} - Building a bigHeapOGuids.", DateTime.Now);
            // Fill up memory with guids.
            var bigHeapOGuids = new HashSet<Guid>();
                } while (true);
            catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                // Release the ram we allocated up front.
                // Actually, these are pointless too.
            Console.WriteLine("{0:u} - Built bigHeapOGuids, contains {1} of them.", DateTime.Now, bigHeapOGuids.LongCount());

            // Spool up some threads to keep checking if there's a match.
            // Keep running until the heat death of the universe.
            for (long k = 0; k < Int64.MaxValue; k++)
                for (long j = 0; j < Int64.MaxValue; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:u} - Looking for collisions with {1} thread(s)....", DateTime.Now, Environment.ProcessorCount);
                    System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, Int32.MaxValue, (i) =>
                        if (bigHeapOGuids.Contains(Guid.NewGuid()))
                            throw new ApplicationException("Guids collided! Oh my gosh!");
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:u} - That was another {1} attempts without a collision.", DateTime.Now, ((long)Int32.MaxValue) * Environment.ProcessorCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Umm... why hasn't the universe ended yet?");

PS: I wanted to try out the Parallel extensions library. That was easy.

And using OutOfMemoryException as control flow just feels wrong.


Well, it seems this still attracts votes. So I've fixed the GC.KeepAlive() issue. And changed it to run with C# 4.

And to clarify my support terms: support is only available on the 28/Feb/2010. Please use a time machine to make support requests on that day only.

EDIT 2 As always, the GC does a better job than I do at managing memory; any previous attempts at doing it myself were doomed to failure.

This will run for a lot more than hours. Assuming it loops at 1 GHz (which it won't - it will be a lot slower than that), it will run for 10790283070806014188970 years. Which is about 83 billion times longer than the age of the universe.

Assuming Moores law holds, it would be a lot quicker to not run this program, wait several hundred years and run it on a computer that is billions of times faster. In fact, any program that takes longer to run than it takes CPU speeds to double (about 18 months) will complete sooner if you wait until the CPU speeds have increased and buy a new CPU before running it (unless you write it so that it can be suspended and resumed on new hardware).

A GUID is theoretically non-unique. Here's your proof:

  • GUID is a 128 bit number
  • You cannot generate 2^128 + 1 or more GUIDs without re-using old GUIDs
  • However, if the entire power output of the sun was directed at performing this task, it would go cold long before it finished.

    GUIDs can be generated using a number of different tactics, some of which take special measures to guarantee that a given machine will not generate the same GUID twice. Finding collisions in a particular algorithm would show that your particular method for generating GUIDs is bad, but would not prove anything about GUIDs in general.


    上一篇: JSON字符串中的二进制数据。 比Base64更好的东西

    下一篇: 简单证明GUID不是唯一的