Interactive alternative to dot?

From time to time I need to visualize dependencies/dependent structures. For example function calls, data structures etc.

For relatively small graphs Graphviz dot is a good match. The input format of dot is easy to generate and it produces good layouts.

But sometimes the graph contains too many vertices and dependencies to be useful as static PDF document. For that I want to use an interactive graph viewer, where I can dynamically select a main vertex (or two, restricting the displayed connections), temporarily hide vertices/edges to make the graph more accessible, zoom in/out, etc.

What are my open-source alternative for such an interactive tool?

Quoting from the long list (from Paul Sweatte's comment):

InfoVis Toolkit – The InfoVis Toolkit is an interactive graphics toolkit written in Java to ease the development of Information Visualization applications and components

Prefuse – Prefuse is a user interface toolkit for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data. This includes any form of data that can be represented as a set of entities (or nodes) possibly connected by any number of relations (or edges). Examples of data supported by prefuse include hierarchies (organization charts, taxonomies, file systems), networks (computer networks, social networks, web site linkage) and even non-connected collections of data (timelines, scatterplots). See also Jeff Heer, the author of Prefuse (

Treebolic - Treebolic is a Java component (widget) whose purpose is to provide a hyperbolic rendering of hierarchical data. A tree is rendered with nodes and edges but display space is subject to a particular curvature (hence the name) : more space is allocated to the focus node while the parent and children, still in the immediate visual context, appear slightly smaller. The grandparents and grandchildren are still visible but come out even smaller. As we move away from the focus node, less display space is allotted to the nodes, which gradually disappear towards the disk's border, as though the whole hierarchy were seen through a fisheye lens. Wrapped as a Java applet, the Treebolic widget can be embedded in a web page. Nodes may then contain hypertext links and the browser to other web pages. The tree is dynamic (animation brings the focus node to the center) and responds to user interaction.

Walrus – Walrus is a tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space. By employing a fisheye-like distortion, it provides a display that simultaneously shows local detail and the global context. It is technically possible to display graphs containing a million nodes or more, but visual clutter, occlusion, and other factors can diminish the effectiveness of Walrus as the number of nodes, or the degree of their connectivity, increases. Thus, in practice, Walrus is best suited to visualizing moderately sized graphs that are nearly trees. A graph with a few hundred thousand nodes and only a slightly greater number of links is likely to best target size


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