Detect indirectly dependent libraries

I did following example project:

SubClassLibrary - does not use any other DLL besides the .Net Framework

ClassLibrary - this does use SubClassLibrary

Main Program - this uses ClassLibrary directly

If I run NDepend on the Main Program's solution, it only detects the dependency on "ClassLibrary", but not the dependency on "SubClassLibrary" (via ClassLibrary)

When I move "ClassLibrary" to "Application Assemblies" (within Project Settings in NDepend) the dependency is found.

Is there any other way to resolve the "sub-" dependency?

Thanks, Johannes

Why would you need one?

NDepend analyzes the dependencies between the assemblies that you have included in your analysis. I can't see that something different would make sense...



上一篇: 检测Asp.Net页面引用其他页面(使用NDepend?FXCop?)

下一篇: 检测间接依赖库