Ndepend find all references of assemblies?

I am using Ndepend to find out what third party DLL's are needed for my application This is a screenshot of missing dependencies. From the right side of the screenshot there are some red x's. Can someone help me or point me to where I could find 'Why is this DLL needed? Or which assembly references these. Find all the references for these missing dependencies' 在这里输入图像描述

This not found DLL (in the blue grid, third-party assembly) is needed because it is referenced by a DLL in the green grid (application assemblies).

If you run the analysis from there, you'll get warning logs like assembly XYZ is referencing DevExpress.ExpressApp.v.. version ABC that cannot be found .

You can unfold the Directories manager just above the green grid, to add folder(s) that contain the DLLs not found.


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/37734.html

上一篇: 查找单个类的所有依赖关系

下一篇: Ndepend找到所有的程序集引用?