Parameters to a function of a module in Powershell
I was able to execute this command before trying to make a function out of it..
$unzip =""
$dst = "c:destination"
saps "c:Program Fileswinzipwzunzip.exe" "-d $unzip $dst" -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
Then I created this function in a module that I am trying to pass parameters to..
function RunCmd ($cmd){
write-host "cmd: $cmd"
saps $cmd -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
I have verified that the module has been imported correctly, but when I try and pass the parameters to the function I get errors stating that the argument cannot be read.
I've tried multiple ways to pass the parameters, but nothing works.
$cmd = @{'FilePath'= '$unzip';
'ArgumentList'= '-d $unzip dst';}
RunCmd @cmd
RunCmd """$unzip"" ""-d $unzip $dst"""
I have noticed that the command and arguments will be passed to the function in double quotes doing the second alternative, but that's when I get the arguments null exception.
I have also tried to change the function to pass the command and arguments separately without success..
function RunCmd ($cmd, $args){
write-host "cmd: $cmd"
saps $cmd $args -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
Any ideas?
this is my new function..
function RunCmd ($log, $cmd, $args){
Log-Cmd $log
saps -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList $args -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
have also tried..
> function RunCmd ($log, $cmd, [string[]]$args){
> Log-Cmd $log
> saps -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList $args -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait }
but when the function tries to execute I get an error saying that the arguments are null.
Start-Process : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ArgumentList'. The argument is null, empty, or an element of the argument collection contains a null value. Supply a collection that does not contain any null values and then try the command again. At c:pathtomodulemyModule.psm1:39 char:38 + saps -FilePath $cmd -ArgumentList <<<< $args -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Start-Process], ParameterBindingValidationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand
I have tried multiple ways to call this function..
RunCmd -log $log -cmd $unzip -args '-d', '$unzip', '$dst'
RunCmd $log $unzip '-d', '$unzip', '$dst'
RunCmd $log $unzip "-d", "$unzip", "$dst"
You have to pass arguments to the Start-Process
cmdlet as array of strings. Here is the very basic example:
function Unzip-File ($ZipFile, $Destination)
$wzunzip = 'c:Program Fileswinzipwzunzip.exe'
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -FilePath $wzunzip -ArgumentList (
Unzip-File '' 'c:destination'
is there a way to pass the exe file to the function as well? I'll eventually have multiple exe files coming into the function that logs the command and then executes it.
function Start-ProcAndLog ($ExeFile, $CmdLine)
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -FilePath $ExeFile -ArgumentList $CmdLine
# Note commas in second parameter: '-arg1', '-arg2', '-arg3' is an array
Start-ProcAndLog 'c:pathtofile.exe' '-arg1', '-arg2', '-arg3'
下一篇: Powershell中模块功能的参数