Rails engine, invoking container app's native migration generator

Others on SO have asked (and been answered) about how to write a migration template which will be copied to the container app just like any other template. We're writing a Rails engine which needs to work in multiple major versions of Rails, so we're hoping to find a way to use the app's native migration generator to generate migrations, rather than either having to maintain multiple templates, or needing to write a complex template which can handle multiple major versions.

I have seen in the Rails engine documentation (9.12) that you can invoke other generators like so:

generate "scaffold", "forums title:string description:text"

where the name of the generator, and its arguments, are single strings. However, the following doesn't work for us:

generate 'migration', 'create_table_name column1:type ...'

For us, regardless of Rails version, a migration file is created with the proper name, but empty up and down (or change ) methods. So it's as if only the first argument is actually being received by the native migration generator.

Is there in fact a way to do this?

This worked fine for me by using the camel case generate syntax:


class TestGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base                                  
  def build_table                                                              
    generate 'migration', 'CreateFoo name:string'                              

rails g test created the migration:


class CreateFoo < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]                                    
  def change                                                                      
    create_table :foos do |t|                                                     
      t.string :name                                                              

So I think you just need to use the syntax CreateTableName and not create_table_name .

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/37916.html

上一篇: JPA标准生成器:如何将ArrayList传递给Oracle函数?

下一篇: Rails引擎,调用容器应用程序的本地迁移生成器