Tools for Generating Mock Data?
I'm looking for recommendations of a good, free tool for generating sample data for the purpose of loading into test databases. By analogy, something that produces "lorem ipsum" text for any RDBMS. Features I'm looking for include:
statements) or else in a flat file format suitable for bulk import (which is usually faster). PS: I did search for a duplicate question on StackOverflow, but I didn't find one. If there is one, I'll be grateful to get a pointer to it.
Thanks for the great responses everyone! I should amend my requirements that I use Mac OS X as my primary development environment, not Windows (though I did say command-line interface is desirable, and that practically rules out Windows). The Windows-specific suggestions will no doubt be useful to other readers of this question, though, so thanks.
Here is my conclusion:
Take a look at databene benerator, a test data generator that looks close to your requirements.
I would give it a try.
BTW, a list of similar products is available on databene benerator's web site.
This looks quite promising: Open-source, has lots of built-in data types.
There are several others listed here: Test (Sample) Data Generators. I don't have experience with any of them, but a few on that list look like they could be pretty decent.
This is a tool my company made to help test our own applications. We've made it free for anyone to use. It's basically the Forgery ruby gem with a web app wrapped around it. You can generate data in CSV, txt, or SQL formats. Hope this helps.
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